Add Item Manually

There are a number of ways that you can add expense items in to the app, including scanning receipts, importing from Photos, choosing a PDF from Files or entering an item manually.
This article will explain how to add an item manually.


1 - Open the 'Add Item' Menu

Press on the '+' icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. This will show the list of menthods to add a new expense item. If you are on an iPad or Mac, the 'Add expense item' options may be visible on the screen below the chart view.

2 - Choose 'Enter Manually'

Tap on the 'Enter Manually' button. The manual entry popup will then be shown.

3 - Enter Data

Enter the name of your expense, and the currency amount for the item. Then press the 'Save' button to save the new item.

4 - View/Edit Item (Optional)

The new item that you have added will then appear in the list view. You can tap on this item to view and edit the details, such as assigning tags, adding attachments, changing the date and more.

5 - Return to List View (Optional)

Once you have made any changes, you can return to the list of expense items by swiping down from the grey area at the top, tapping the grey area at the top or pressing the 'Done' button at the bottom of the screen. All changes are saved automatically.
