Grouping with Tags

You can group expense items using custom tags to help find and organise your items.


1 - Open an item's details view

Tap on an item in the list view to open the details view for that expense item. You will see the details for that item, including a tags area, just below the attachments.

2 - Enter a Tag

Tap on the '+ Add Tag' field and start typing. Once you have typed your new tat, press the 'Done' button or 'Return' key on the keyboard to save the new tag. This will then show in green. You can continue to type and add multiple tags.

3 - Use a Tag Suggestion (Optional)

Any tags that you have used in the past will show as 'Suggestions' below the tag field. This is useful to group the current expense item with others that belong to the same group. Tap on a suggestion to add it to the item.

4 - Remove Tags (Optional)

If you would like to remove a tag from the current expense item, you can tap on the green tag to show the 'Remove' dialogue. Tap the red 'Remove' button to remove the selected tag from the expense item. This tag will only be removed from the current expense item, and will remain on the other expense items that it was previously added to.

5 - Filter by Tag (Optional)

You can use tags to filter for items. Return to the list view, tap the menu button in the bottom left corner and choose 'Show Filters'. Then tap on the tag that you would like to filter by. This will show all expense items that include the selected tag. You can also filter by multiple tags to view items that contain all of the selected tags.
